

Course: Management of subsidised training

As part of our new Formazionate service, together with our partner Talention, we offer this course in which you will learn the key aspects of Subsidised Training and how to carry out the necessary steps to subsidise the cost of training programmes in your company’s Social Security contributions.

The course has a duration of 10 teaching hours that are taught in the E-learning mode. At the end of the course, an individualised VDC session will be held with each participant to resolve any technical doubts that arise during the training programme. In addition, you will have the help of the tutor to carry out an action plan that will allow you to put the SELF MANAGEMENT model into practice in your organisation.



The course will cover the following contents:

Module 1. Vocational Training for Employment. Definition, regulatory framework, financing and aims

Module 2. Programmed/Bonified Training: definition, training credit, organisation models and advantages of self-management.

Module 3. Training plan. Training actions, classification of actions, modalities of delivery, economic modules, maximum cost eligible for subsidies, costs and co-financing.

Module 4. FUNDAE application. Access, users, communication of actions and groups, finalisation of participants and application of costs.

In addition, you will have didactic resources that will enhance learning:

Practical exercises.
Work templates.
Real examples of follow-up actions, etc.



Duration: From 15 September to 30 September 2020.
Registration fee: 75 €/student.
Deadline for enrolment: 11 September 2020.
The cost of this course may be deducted from the company’s social security contributions.

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